Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Birthday was fun. Did many birthday things this weekend, including getting tattooed.

First off on Friday was my pole xmas party. We had to go dressed in the fashion of the year we were born:

I then had to do a performance, and the pole was really slippery!
Up to this point I hadn't had a drink because I knew I'd be performing and didn't want to stuff up. Here's what happens when you mix alcohol and pole dancing:

That was me on the floor after falling off the pole. In my defense, the pole was slippery (and the florr was a little closer than I remembered!!)

Went out on the town afterwards, but Liv pike out early (damn exchange students can't hold their booze!). So we came home and started drinking with my brother and his mates.

Liv was in a fairly bad way:

And she then made the mistake of passing out on the couch:

This is everyone gearing up to shaving cream her:

If you're wondering why there are no picutres of me about to get shaving creamed or the like, it's coz I'm not stupid enough to pass out at my house with my brother and his mates around!!

By the way, if you want to see more pics, just go to my Facebook page.

Saturday night was family dinner time. We went to a great Japanese restaurant in town where I ate way more than was good for me. But the food was wonderful.

Sunday was "quiet day" where I reflected on the horror of turning 24!

Monday was rather interesting. I got my first tatt done. Unfortunately I don't have any photos of that at the moment because I forgot to take my camera with me, and my friend hasn't sent the ones she took yet. But no doubt everyone will see it tonight. I'm really happy with how it turned out, and rather proud of not passing out or anything.

Afterwards I had to go to work as well and that was a little uncomfortable!

Hmm that's about it really. Am almost up to date with Xmas shopping, only a few little bits to do.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Still here!

And will be there tonight. Here's my life in a summary:

  • Working
  • Reading new books (very good!)
  • Not doing cross stitch (very bad)
  • Organising birthday stuff (very good!)
  • Getting tattooed on Monday (hopefully)
  • Will go and clean my room shortly (no, really I will!)
  • Have to practise for pole performance (after I clean my room)
  • Buying Xmas presents
  • Have not yet done Xmas cards (bad)
  • Was sick, am now getting better
And that's about it really!

Missing you guys heaps. Also don't forget that on Saturday at 1pm YOU are invited to coffee at Euro Bar!! See you there!!

Lotsa love

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Not around lately

Hi everyone, I know I haven't been around much lately, in either the physical or on the net. No excuse, life has just been hectic- lots of random stuff going on. But rest assured I will be seeing everyone at Summer Solstice.

Also just letting everyone know that Stitch & Bitch will NOT be on in December. But as it is my birthday that weekend (on the 9th), I was thinking we might use the time to instead go for coffee at Euro Bar. And this shall also be in an email.

Other than that, life goes on as usual. Still trying to get my tatt organised, but I am determined to get it done before Xmas. Unfortunately, the day I was planning on getting it done, is rather close to when I am due for my period, so I'm hoping I won't be in too much discomfort.

Got an early Xmas present from one of the kids in my class last night. I thought it might be something like a little box of chocolates. But when I opened it, I had a mobile-phone-hangey-thing (technical term!!) with an "S" and a heart on it! I thought that was really sweet.

Love you all, and I'll see you soon (promise!!)

Sunday, November 18, 2007

The boy

The boy has a tatt- go see!

Am almost sorted with mine. Wanted to get it done before my bday, but don't think that will be happening. Should be before Xmas tho. So will let you know!

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Wow, was floored yesterday. Not sure why, but these last 3 days have really taken it out of me. Nothing out of the ordinary really (did 3 straight days of classes), but not sure why it really hit me like this. Maybe it was the heat. Probably. Brain is really fried right now, so am apologising in advance for rambling/not-making-sense post.

Am a little bit cold
Am watching Law & Order
Am tired
Am doing a performance for my pole xmas party
Am going to bed soon
Am going to blog more (yes I am!!)
(when there is something to blog about!)
Am needing to finish xmas shopping
Am needing to get tattoo done soon
Am needing to stop blogging before I fall asleep on the computer

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Shann has sore throat from too much work. Think it's a good enough excuse to take a sickie? And I'm doing it all again tomorrow (and the next day too!)

For all those interested, Girls Night In was CANCELLED last weekend. It will be RESCHEDULED, probably for around the 2nd of December, so if you are still interested, please get money ($30) to me ASAP!

Shann has sore throat. That is all!

Love you

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Am still here!

Blogs have been few and far between lately, bht life progresses as normally as life can for me! Am trying to:
  • Get cross stitch done (doing rather well bwt)
  • Re-organise Girls Night In (I futzd up last time!)
  • Organise getting my tattoo without interfering with work or pole class
  • Or Girls Night In or Xmas parties
  • Get Xmas shopping done
  • Find time to spend with the boy
  • Get my tatt done before my birthday but am running out of time
  • And opportunity
On the plus side of things, one of the girls from Japan who was in Australia before I went on exchange is back in the country and we have had a chance to catch up. Has been very interesting trying to remember all my Japanese, but she undertsnads me so it can't be too bad.

And that is my life in a nutshell.

Love you all

PS We missed you on Saturday Fairy Mary!!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Strange mood

Am in a strange mood tonight. Not sure what triggered it, but have found that sometimes I am not a nice person. Or maybe this is a completely natural way to feel and I'm being too hard on myself.

I usually tend to be quite a generous person (or I think so anyway), but there are times that I get really jealous.And it's completely irrational. It's not usually items I get jealous with, but places and people.

At times I can be very wary of letting new people into my life, and I can get very possessive if they are coming into what I consider to be "my territory", even if it is not exactly my territory to claim.

This is very strange, as I usually consider myself to be fairly open and friendly.

Not sure why I get like this, but I guess we can all get a little childish at times.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

How do crazy people get through the forest???

They take the psycho path

Not happy Shann, and happy Shann

First of all, happy-Shann went to Sydney to spend the weekend with the boy. Was very good. Not-happy-Shann (and probably not-happy-boy) went all over Sydney in the heat searching for non-existent Mr Donuts. Checked the Yellow Pages and there was supposed to be a Mister Donuts in Chatswood Westfield so went all over the shopping centre and asked management and all that jazz, only to find out it was the trading name of Donut King. So pooh x 3948576 because of stupid Donut King trying to be Japanese and poo x 7493656 to silly-Shann who went looking for a non-existent shop and poo x 39575836555 for not getting Mr Donuts donuts!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Strange dreams

My primary school headmaster had to skol a bottle of whiskey
Lisa was helping me
Jonathon wouldn't explain how he did his cross stitch
I was on a school camp

Very strange indeed.

Girls Night In is going full steam ahead. Will be getting photos and stuff to share. Don't forget to let me know if you will be coming along!

Am back at work. Pooh x 33854857

Missing the boy

October is busy. October will be busy until probably early January. So if you want an appointment with October, please let me know!

Why is it whenever you find a comfy bra, and you go to buy more they either don't have it or they just don't have it in your size. Seriously, there has to be a scientific explanation!

Am really sucking at scrabble, due to lack of good letters, and nowhere to place words!!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I am getting my a$$ kicked!! I am surrounded by scrabble geniuszz!

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

To all the mums out there

I'm sure you'll get a kick out of this.

Clicky here

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The universe moves in mysterious ways

Remember how during the Ostara ritual I said I wanted "job stuff" figured out? Well everything is mysteriously falling into place. My main problem was that while I want full time work, I wanted a job that would allow me to keep at least one shift at the gym so that I could keep my qualifications current. Well the boy had a chat to a few people at Flight Centre for me, and the response was pretty much "we can probably sort something out". So this is all good. My next problem is going to be pole dancing. Classes for me at the moment are on a Thursday at 7pm. Most shops don't close until 9 on a Thursday. So I may need to have a look at rearranging that, but I'm fairly confident that something will work out. It seems I'm getting a lot of help on this!!

I have to admit, I'm a wee bit stunned at all this. I have received stuff that I've asked for before, but those were material items, and can be explained by hard work and saving (with a little help from the Universe of course!), but the mechanics involved in getting this to all fall into place has me absolutely astounded. I am very much trusting in the universe right now. This will all work out with me being able to keep my Tuesday shift (am being specific!!) and also my pole dancing class, whether it be on a Thursday or not.


Sunday, September 23, 2007

Dragon Workshop

Was muchly fun indeed. Small group but good nonetheless. Discovered that dragons can be quite insistent when they want your attention, and boy did they want our attention!

Big thank you to Helen for organising the workshop. It was muchly appreciated.

I would write more, but I actually read Helen's blog first, so I don't think I really have much more to add.

Was fun

Monday, September 17, 2007

Weekend News

Weekend was good. Visited the boy. Was supposed to do cross stitch while the boy worked, but I pretty much just bummed around on the net. Saturday night we went into Sydney for a night out. Had the best dinner at Paddy McGuire's Pub. And quickly found that the CDB is good for pubs, not so good for nightclubs. And that walking in hooker heels all over Sydney is a lot harder than dancing in them.

Pandora has opened a shop at the QVB, it's the first exclusively Pandora retailer shop in the worLinkld (they usually sell through other retailers). So the boy and I went in and had a play around. He usually wears his bead (he only had one before, but I fixed that yesterday!) on a leather thong, but it's becoming a bit worn, so he's decided to get a proper bracelet in the oxidised silver.

And it was really funny. On one of the Pandora websites (there are a few I think!), you can do a wishlist so people know which beads you like. And I said to the boy "I wonder if they have a virtual bracelet you can make so you can see how the beads would look." Got back to the computer and I found a website where you can create a bracelet. So I did one for me and one for the boy. If you want to have a look at the Pandora websites, this one is the official one, and this one I think is the Australian one. Anyway, it's the one with the virtual bracelet.

Am also looking at laser eye surgery pages. I'd love to get this done so I'm doing a little research on the topic. Trying to find out if it's worth it really.

Back to the chiro tomorrow. Got to have regular checkups/adjustments done. All in the name of good spinal health.

Love you all

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Nothing to write about

Seriously. But am doing my Bloggly duty. Here's what's been goiing on with me lately, in easy to read point form.

  • Am learning a new pole routine (to "These boots are made for walkin"- The Jess Simpson version)
  • Bought new jeans and had the very new sensation of being nunable to do them up. (Don't worry, I was told they stretch!!)
  • Been working
  • Went to Singleton for work on Thursday but was told the primary school kids had a production to do so we got paid for 3 hrs of work that we didn't really do
  • Am getting a tanline where my t-shirt goes
  • Just realised I don't put full stops at the end of my bullet points (are you even supposed to??)
  • Am feeling a tad guilty for only specifying a few days that I want to work during the holidays. Mostly because this will be the first time I haven't put down that I'm available all day everyday, but I tried that last holidays, and I was really p!ssy since I'd just worked the whole term as well. Plus I hate it when they only roster me on for a half day. The half day itself isn't too bad, b ut when you get a week that looks like : full day, half day morning, half day evening, no work, half day evening- it get's really sh!tty
  • That was a REALLY long bullet point
  • I keep hitting the bloody capslock on this keyboard
  • Catching up on blogs
  • Visiting the boy in Sydney, but he's at work atm, so I am going to "get my stitch on"
Love you all
(promise I'll blog more!!!)

Monday, September 10, 2007

Still here

Yes I am still here, though you would be forgiven for thinking I had dropped off the face of the Earth! Still working, still poling, and trying to get my back sorted out. Am not the most comfortable Mary at the moment. Have an appointment today to go and get a spinal x-ray done (chiropractor's orders). Am still playing on Facebook and am very addicted. Is the most fun I've had since discovering Blogger!

Am working hard on mum's cross stitch. Am getting peeved about her unannounced arrivals in my room, causing me to have to hide said cross stitch while trying not to look suspicious. I know that even if she saw it she wouldn't be able to make out the desing, but I have the feeling she might suspect that it is a cross stitch for her, and I wanted it to be a total surprise. Oh well. She'll probably forget all about it, At least until the next time she walks in on me!

Am sending love to Lisa and family. It is never "just a pet". Our furry little friends will worm their way into our hearts and stay there. "They leave pawprints on our heart". Have seen this saying around, and it is so true.

Anyway, I think it is time to get on with the day!

Love you all

Monday, September 03, 2007


Have recently joined up to Facebook, and am awed at all the pretty buttons to push. Am almost totally lost, which is a weird feeling for someone of the iPod generation! So am having fun pushing various buttons to see what happens. Am pretty sure that I haven't blown up the Eiffel Tower yet, but if you're in that area, just watch out, just in case!!

Am also amazed at all the people I have been able to find, so many more than on Myspace! This is turning out to be an obsession to rival Blogger!


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Ucking Dodo

Internet has been playing up, hence lack of blogging and commenting.

Did battle on Saturday (may also be called "attempting to find a park and then navigate new Westfield Kotara"). Am muchly impressed with the new shops (especially new underwear shop and donut shop) but not so impressed with parking facilities. If you want to go and have a peek, take my advice and go at an unusual time such as midday on a weekday when everyone is at work. Parking is almost tolerable at that time of day.

Donuts are fairly spectaular. Not as good as Mr Donuts, but definitely a step up from Donut King.

Had to do a school on Friday, up at Glen William. (I had no idea either- it's near Clarence Town). Anyway I had no idea how to get there so I borrowed my friend's GPS. Is very speccy, but it also tried to drive me off a bridge. I swear he programmed it to do that. Or I would if I didn't know he was technologically inept.

That's been it for me lately. Had the boy up for the weekend which was nice. Am reading a new book which is pretty much a cross between Anne Rice and Mills and Boon, which just says loads for my taste in literature. But I'm really enjoying it.

Love you all

Friday, August 24, 2007

I am...

  • Not sleeping well
  • So am very tired
  • Instructor at a new school
  • Lover of GPS that enabled me to find said school
  • Thinking about doing cross stitch
  • Perhaps too tired to do cross stitch
  • Reading a new book
  • Very good pole dancer (see pic!)

  • Wanting to practice more but need to get room for pole
  • Very bruised
  • Not feeling my best (probly due to non-sleeping)
  • Enjoying just lounging around

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Really Boring Mary

Am boring Mary indeed. Have not been doing much lately at all. Mum's cross stitch arrived the other day, so I have been working on that mostly. Am still on page one, but at least it's on the move.

Starting another school on Friday. Also have the boy coming up for a visit. Have started reading a new book and have renewed my love for libraries. In particular, Wallsend library. Is very cool.

Went to a Rotary do on Saturday and met lots of the Inbound students (ie foreign students in Oz). Met the 2 Japanese girls and they seem really nice. Unfortunately I had to go to work, so I didn't get much of a chance to chat.

Mum also dobbed me in. One of the guys we know has taken charge of Japan but he knows nothing about it, so I have been asked to be the "unofficial helper". I'm going to teach him a bit of Japanese, and I may need to go to the airport to meet new Inbounds. I don't mind though. I remember what it was like arriving in Japan, and even though I had learnt the language, I was still really grateful that my first host sister spoke English. So am looking forward to that.

Have been having interesting dreams lately. Not sure what's going on with me!

Why do women have such huge body image issues? Who decides what is beautiful? And if it's not us, why do we care what they think? Why do we let ourselves be defined like that? And why am I getting so worked up about this? I usually have a fairly positive self image so I don't know why this is coming up now. And it's only one particular thing. It's really not all that important in the scheme of things. And I'm the only one who seems to have a problem with it.

Wow, that rant seemed to come out of nowhere!

Anyways, I should get going. Love you all

Monday, August 13, 2007

Been a while

But not much to report. Spent a lovely weekend with the boy. Have been working hard at pole class trying to nail a particular move, and I finally got it. Here's the video;
clicky here

Am very proud of this moove as it takes a lot of strength compared to some of the other ones.

Am working on one of my Popcorn cross stitches, and here is what I have so far.

That's it really. Just that and work. I am a boring Mary.

Mum's cross stitch pattern arrived the other day, so I will be making a trip into Spotlight to get supplies.

I am very boring Mary.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Tesah lately

Well I got through pole class without destroying the place, which was a big accomplishment considering we all had a glass of champagne beforehand! Something tells me that mixing alcohol and pole dancing is not a good idea, and I think Teacher agrees!

Had parties today, and for once it went rather well. The day almost flew by, and the last party was absolutely aweome coz they were all gymnasts from Cessnock. So I pretty much let them run wild (which I would never do with the other parties) Even the parents were getting into it- thought I usually say that the parents are worse than the kids!

Am going to visit the boy at his new place. Lucky for me the bed is already broken, so I can't get blamed for that!

Got an email from the people I ordered Mum's cross stitch pattern from to tell me why I haven't got it yet. They usually ship in 48 hours, but there was a "system error" (translation: someone f*cked up!) and it was packaged, but not yet shipped. So it is now on the way, and I have to figure out how to get to the letterbox to get it before she does!

Also on the good news front, I don't have to turn up to do schools on Wednesday coz we have comps on all week. Arvo classes and Singleton are still on though.

Stitch n Bitch has been relocated to the SECOND Saturday of each month. Unfortunately when this was re-arranged I had already organised a trip south (funnily enough we will be going to a craft expo!) so it will be starting again NEXT MONTH!

Alcohol and hanging upside down is not a good mix.

I have snapped 2 fingernails all the way down to the pink bit. I hate having part of my finger poking out from the nail, so I never cut them that short, and it is driving me NUTS!! You know how some people can't stand fingernails on a blackboard? Well this is giving me the same sensation, and IT DOESN'T STOP!!! Ahh, it will grow back soon I guess.

Mmm apple pie and ice cream

Friday, July 27, 2007

Pole dancing mirrors are dangerous!

Or Shann is dangerous pole dancing near mirrors. Before I get to the mirrors bit, here is the first part of our latest routine. We are still kinda working on the other one, but because we have so many new people in our class, it's easier to just do a new routine than trying to teach them ours.

So here is the routine: (I'm the one up the back with the boots on. I decided to see how they'd go!)

Clicky here

Now if you look closely (and have been paying close attention to other videos/photos), you might notice that usually there is a large mirror behind my pole. In this video, the mirror is not there. Well, the story is, I was trying to show one of the girls the handstand move that I do at the end of the video. Problem was, I was a bit too long in the legs. I ended up kicking the mirror, the top unhooked, and landed on my head. I was freaking out coz I thought I was destroying the studio, and the girls were freaking out because they thought I'd hurt myself! I felt so bad, and I've never done that before! I'd never even thought about it! The the mirror just fell down. And here I was, standing under this great big mirror, not hurt, but freaking out anyway! At least I didn't actually break the mirror, I just removed it from the wall!

I also have a nice bruise on my leg from my boots. The zip is on the inside of the leg where I climb the pole.
Your Boobies' Names Are...

Thunder and Lightning

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

About Today

Checked emails
Blogged and checked blogs
Bought more floss for cross stitch
Bought bag to organise cross stitch

Want to put up my pole again coz I need to practise, but my brother has all his junk in the way. Will just have to wait for class on Thursday.

Wondering how to get away with stitching Mum's cross stitch without her knowing.

Have snazzy new cross stitch bag

Went to HobbySew at Glendale. They have lots of pretty Japanese fabrics. Too bad I'm not much of a quilter!!

Finished one of my cat xstitches, and am wondering which project to do once I've finished the pair.

More quizes

My Angel Name is HANA The Master Angel Of Water.
Take The Elemental Angel Name Generator today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

Very appropriate, as "hana" means flower in Japanese. (Or "nose", now that I think about it!)

Your Element Is Air

You dislike conflict, and you've been able to rise above the angst of the world.
And when things don't go your way, you know they'll blow over quickly.

Easygoing, you tend to find joy from the simple things in life.
You roll with the punches, and as a result, your life is light and cheerful.

You find it easy to adapt to most situations, and you're an open person.
With you, what you see is what you get... and people love that!

Monday, July 23, 2007

My tarot

You are The High Priestess

Science, Wisdom, Knowledge, Education.

The High Priestess is the card of knowledge, instinctual, supernatural, secret knowledge. She holds scrolls of arcane information that she might, or might not reveal to you. The moon crown on her head as well as the crescent by her foot indicates her willingness to illuminate what you otherwise might not see, reveal the secrets you need to know. The High Priestess is also associated with the moon however and can also indicate change or fluxuation, particularily when it comes to your moods.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Harry Potter

Well I spent most of yesterday plowing my way through the book with my friend Nay, and there was a fair bit of squealing going on! (No spoilers, I promise!) But you really have to love some of these characters!!! Definitely food for thought. I have to admit, it's left me in a weird mood. No more Harry. And considering how picky I've become with reading new books, this poses a serious problem for me.

On other news, I want to do a cross stitch for my mum's 60th. It's still a few years away but if I want to get it finished in time, I should really get started now. But I don't know which design to do.

Design 1

Design 2

I think I like the first design better, but feedback would be great!

Am really looking forward to next stitch n bitch. Bring a friend!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Just popping in to say. Seems I'm also in a blogging slump. See you all tonight!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Some kids need an education

I went and saw Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix today. Let me tell you, you can really tell the people who haven't read the books! Here are a few choice quotes I overheard today:

"What's a Gnargle?"
"Who's that?" (when Dudley was on screen)
"Is that a tornado?" (the arrival of Dementors)
"Is she a real person?" (asking about Mrs Weasley)
"Is Harry sad?" (Harry is looking out the window looking sad)

There were more, but I can't think of them right now.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Fluffy Bunny night

Hi all, Rylah was after a bit more info regarding the fluffy bunny night, so here it is.

The theme is fairies, so dressing up fairy-like or witchy. The more outrageous the better!

If you wanted to bring a small something for afterwards you can.

The rest is all surprises!

If there is anything else you would like to know, just ask. Unless it's a trade secret, then you'll have to be locked in the dungeon.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Some new names

My japanese name is 石丸 Ishimaru (round stone) 千秋 Chiaki (very fine in autumn).
Take your real japanese name generator! today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

My magical Potterized name is Susan.
Take Harry Potter Name Generator today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

(Susan Bones perhaps??)

My fairy name is Dandelion Shining Sweetheart.
Take What's Your Fairy Name? by badasstronaut today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

My New nickname is Sergeant Sneezey A. Poopypants.
Take The Third Grade Insult Generator today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

Bad blogger, yes I am

I am a bad blogger- I don't think I have ever been so long without a post!! But what is really strange is it wasn't just the fact that I hadn't done anything interesting enough to blog about, but I really wasn't in the mood. Oh well, I'm here now.

With regards to the titty, here it is:
We just won it out of a skill tester!

I got my package from the Popcorn Bear Club yesterday with my cute little cross stitch kits. There were only 3 in there but they were the people who rang from the UK to tell me the last one will be in the mail shortly!

I also decided to get going on a cross stitch last night (not the Popcorn ones) but when I went to assemble the frame I had bought, it was missing a connector! So I emailed the people back, so hopefully that will be fixed up shortly.

Exchange student Carl (USA) went home yesterday. I have to admit, one of the better farewells we've had- hardly anyone cried! The last exchange student we took to the airport was literally hysterical!

Am trying to get the Fluffy Bunny Night organised. Will be going out shortly to empty mum's spice rack (that she never uses) of spices (not for spices!) So I will leave you to ponder what we might be doing with the spice jars!

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Bugger, damn

I forgot it was 3rd anniversary painting night! Oh well, spent the night dancing instead. It's been awhile, and I really enjoyed it. I learned to tango- I decided I don't like tango!

Jade's car got stolen the other night, from out the front of our house. So we are busy looking for a new one. It's kinda urgent, we need it before term starts back because we'll both be going out to schools and there is no way I can fit all the gear in my car.

So I was up till 3 am manning the phone while Mum and Jade went out looking for it. Then had to get up for 9am start. 8:30 start this morning, and another 9 am start tomorrow. So very tired.

Zzzzzzz zzzzzzzz z z z z z z zz zzzz zzzzzzzz z zzzzzzzzz z z z zzzzzzz zzzzzz zzzz z z z z z zzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzz zzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzz zz zzzzzzz zz z z z z z zzzzzz zzzzzzz z z z zzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzz zzzzz zzzzz zzzzzzzz z z z z z z zz z z z z z zz zzzzz zzzzzzz zzz z z z z z z z zz zzzzzzz zzzz zzzzzzzz zzzzzz z z z zzzz zzzzzzzz zzzzzzz zzzzzzz zzzzz zzzzzzzz z z z z z zzzz zzzzz zzzzzz zzzzzz zzzz z z z z z z zzzzzzzzz zzz zzzz z zzzzz zzzzzz z z zzzzzzz zzzzzz zzzzzz z z z z z z zzz zzzzz z z z z z zzz zzzzzzzzz z z z z z z z z z zzz zzzzzzz zzzzz z z z z z z zzzzzzzz zzzzzz zzzzzzzz zzz z z zzzzzzzzz z z z z z z z zzzzzz zzzzzzzz zzzzzz z z z z z z zzz zzzzzz zzzz zzzzz zzzzz zzzzzz zzzzzz zzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzz z z z z zzzzzzz zzzzzzzz zzzzzzz zzzzzz z zzz z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z zzzz zzzz z z z z z z zzzzz z z z

Random thoughts and words:

  • Why is the British exchange rate so bad??
  • My cross stitch will be late, but I got a phone call from the UK that told me so
  • Will I remember the cheerleading routine for tomorrow?
  • Will it matter?
  • Why are sad songs really getting to me lately?
  • I got a titty from a skill tester in Japan
  • I would love to do this cross stitch
  • Way windy today
  • What would it be like to be totally isolated?
  • Is 10 pm and I haven't had dinner yet
  • Might go get dinner now

Oooh, interesting

You Should Get an Abstract Tattoo

Artistic and unique
You're the most likely type to personally design your tattoo

Monday, July 02, 2007

My test

Your Gemstone is Amber

Creative, happy, and logical.
You shine in any intellectual endeavor

Sunday, July 01, 2007

I got Pashed!

Yes, I was Pashed today, as was boy of mine. We ducked into Newcastle for a quick one, that actually ended up taking longer than I thought it would. Even managed to get a few photos! But I also have to admit, not as good as I thought it would be!

The first Stitch & Bitch was amazing. We had so many people turn up- lots more than I was expecting. Though I have to admit, there was more bitching that stitching going on at times. Or maybe I was just at the naughty table! A big thanks to everyone who came along and amde it such a success. And I'll see you all next month! (Probably before then too!)

Blue moon was definitely in effect last night. What is lower than sewer humour? Because that's where we got to last night! (as demonstrated by the "cup holder joke" - ask Fairy Mary!)

I also want to say thank you for Rose Cottage, and to those of you who make it so special to me. It is more than 4 walls, it is a community, a family. A place to laugh, live, grow, learn, and to find like-minded people who are willing to lend an ear.

I have a cricket who has taken up residence in my room for the last week. Tonight he has decided to serenade me. Lovely as it is, I'm sure I could do without it!

And I have to start work at 8:30 tomorrow. Poo!

Friday, June 29, 2007

It's official

The rug was finished at 5 pm yesterday afternoon! I decided not to put another photo, coz it would just pretty much look the same as last time. It will be coming to S&B for me to snuggle under!

The term is officially over. But I'm still working in the holidays.

That's it really.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

What's inside my head

At the moment I have no idea. Had very distracting and mostly not good dreams last night. Not violent or scary, but depressing and negative. It's amazing the things that get in your dreams and the way your brain will scramble them around so that they make no sense to the original context of the situation, but make complete sense in dream-world. I don't know if I'm supposed to examine these issues or if it's just my brain going nuts on me and I should just ignore them. Nearly every one was about other people's treatment of me, though in one I know it was the way I treated them first that resulted in their treatment of me. One was so scrambled I have no idea what the origin of it was.

I don't know why I'm letting this get to me so much. maybe deep down I feel that I am to blame for all of this.

I think tea will make it all better.

Love you all

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Looking for a silver lining

As previously mentioned before, I've got a fairly calm state of mind (Jonathon needs to stay out of this one!!) but doing birthday parties all weekend it really test your patience, especially if the parents don't even help out. I suppose if today has a silver lining, it's that I got through it all with my sanity intact- well, about the same as usual anyway. OMG I rarely do birthday parties on both days, but this weekend I did, and I don't think I'll be trying that again any time soon. Ok, enough whinging.

I have a pretty new rug. It's almost finished!! Then I have to finish my tapestry, before starting on numerous cross stitches.

Had a minor family crisis this morning. Well, not really a family crisis, more me having a crisis about my family. I don't know whether to ignore it, or try to get in and change things, or even if they can be changed.

Busy week coming up- S&B is about the only thing getting me through it at this stage. Oh well, last week of term, should go fairly quickly- I hope!

Lol I nearly smothered my cat last night. He was sleeping on my bed and I got cold so I pulled up the extra blanket and it was covering him. He usually gets out and makes himself confortable on top of the cover, but this time he decided to stay under the doona. I fully thought he was going to suffocate!

Sorry about the rambling post, but at the moment my brain is not functioning and it's just easier to type whatever comes into my head, and I always like reading rambling posts on everyone's blogs. They're funny.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Woo hoo!

It is official. At 11:08 last night, I finished my rug! Well, mostly. I still need to tidy ends and to do an edge, but the rug is all there!

I'll take another picture once it's officially finished.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

This will be my 159th post on Blogger

Just wondering where I am in the scheme of things. I know Mary Raihn has over 1000 and I think Mary Rylah could be up in second place, but what about our other Marys? Where do we slot in?

Was feeling decidedly not shmick for most of yesterday and this morning, but my good friend Ibuprofen has dropped in, so am feeling better at the moment. God I love heat packs, is very good and warm and shmick.

Am getting very excited about the upcoming Stitch & Bitch on the 30th. My only problem now is deciding what I want to work on. My rug is almost finished, and I think I might bring it along to S&B to snuggle under. And if anyone is interested in making a rug like mine, I will be more than happy to demonstrate. I have never crocheted anything in my life before this, and now I have almost completed 3!! My next door neighbour (she got me started on it) calls it the "fool proof rug" and I have to admit, I quite agree. If I can do it, anyone can!!

Turned up to Yule celebration and my chalice met me there. Yes it actually was my chalice sitting on the table in front of me. Shall have to pick it up next time.

Monday, June 18, 2007

The wonders of bi carb soda

Not being much of a domestic Goddess, this really took me by surprise. I'd heard that you can rinse your thermos out with bicarb to remove funny odours/flavours, but I wasn't sure how much I'd need so I just Googled "thermos" and "bicarb soda" and came across this site. Clicky here. Now I did know that you could do quite a lot with it and that is was very useful and so on, but some of the uses really stunned me!

Also boy of mine (well his family) has their own yoghurt maker (Easi-yo). And the yoghurt that it makes is easily the best I have ever tasted. Am giving serious thought to buying own yoghurt maker. Clicky here. Also apparently better for you than store bought stuff, and much cheaper (after buying of said yoghurt maker, and sachet only costs a few dollars and makes 1L). I think a trip to Big W will be coming up soon!


Fun was had on weekend, spending it with boy of mine. Along with fun, cam copious amounts of rain, though nowhere near as much as last weekend. It was certainly trying though. We managed a mad dash (and I mean that in a literal sense- it was mad to even go out of the house) to Victoria House. Was a quick visit (by my standards anyway) for 2 reasons. It was really really raining, and I was after something specific, which I shall now be buying off the net.

How cute are they?? I couldn't decide which one I like best, but luckily there is a special on if you buy the whole set! Clicky here to see.

I am being mostest goodest about finishing my WIPs (work in progress). I've been working on my rug all week, and seeing as it's too bulky to carry around, I took my tapestry when I went to visit boy of mine. But I am still very impatient to get started on my cross stitches. Plural. I have too many waiting to be started!

Love you all

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


I have had very little work this week, which is both good and bad. Good coz I don't have to go to work and get to spend the time rugging, and bad for the bank balance.

I am also going to be a very brave girl and try my hand at getting to Sydney this Friday. Between scheduled trackwork and the flood stuff, it's going to be a bit of a challenge. Oh well, I shall see how I go.

It is very hard to type with cold hands. It is very hard to do anything with cold hands.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Hope everyone is doing ok. Just thought I'd post a few pictures of around my area. This was taken at a car yard at Cardiff. All the cars had been swept into the corner and almost stacked up on each other: This is a shop at Cardiff, and you can see on the window how high the water level was. This was at Wallsend Park- you can see that the water was over the bridge- all the debris has collected there. This is the carpark at Wallsend Plaza.

And on a happier note, I had put my rugging aside for the moment to do a little cross stitch (just to get it out of my system while I finish the rug and the tapestry), and here is the end result!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Pole dancing update!

Ok well I have 2 videos to show but I couldn't get them loaded on photobucket, so I uploaded them to my Multiply site. Clicky here and have a look under "videos". One video is the Cleopatra I was talking about in a previous post, and the other is the latest video of my routine. It's still not finished, but it's a better run through than the last attempt I posted!

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Have fun!!


I think you'll enjoy this Jacqui! Jono and I finished it alright!

And now on the weather channel...

More wet weather updates.:

  • A tree across the road from us was uprooted- thankfully fell in the direction of the road and not the house
  • Some of my coworkers had to sleep over last night because management didn't close the premises down when the weather started to get worse.
  • I don't need to go to work today because said management has closed down the premises.
  • I think the boss will be getting a talking to from said coworkers for putting so many people in danger
  • I think a power station blew up near our house. (mum saw a huge green light about 2am- so maybe she just should take her pills!)
  • Carpark at the local shopping centre has all the bitumen ripped up
  • My dad was an idiot and actually went out last night, then whinged when he got stuck there!
  • Mum and I went and got groceries, but other than that, I am not planning on moving for the rest of the weekend!
Hope everyone is safe at home!!

Friday, June 08, 2007

I am...


I had to set up for school today in all that rain. I was inside, but I still had to get a lot of the gear from the car to the hall. And on the way home, the road had flooded. I was worried I wouldn't be able to get home, coz I'd heard on the radio a lot of roads were closed. But I got through ok. Thank the Goddess for 4x4s. I know they polluted and are dangerous, but it came in handy today! So now I am dry, and in my pjs, in my bed, having a cuppa. AND I'M NOT MOVING!!!!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Don't worry, this isn't supposed to make sense


As long as I know what it means, it's all good!

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

doo be doo

Not much to report

Have decided to make a start on a cross stitch, just to satisfy my curiosity. Then back to my rug (coz it's starting to get chilly), and then finishing my tapestry before I have to decide which cross stitch to start first.

Was cold at school. First class was very late.

Will be going down to see the boy next weekend. Not sure if I can control myself at Victoria House. Not sure if my boy would be willing to attempt getting me out again and may either decide not to take me in the first place, or to just leave me there once I get in!

(I too have been visited by internet pixies who love to annoy by messing with blogger. Unlike Chell though, Blogger actually didn't save part of this post, so here I am trying to type it again!)

Love, Me

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Something to think about

Came across a little something last night that everyone might want to have a look at. It's a site called Multiply. It's pretty much the same sort of thing as Myspace I think (ie you can add friends, add photos/videos), but what I think it better than Myspace, is that the blog function is Blogger compatible. Not sure if you guys are interested (truth be told, I'm not sure if I'm interested!), but it's something to think about. If you like, you can go and check mine out before you decide to join. Clicky here.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

I've had worse

Parties today- sometimes you get good ones, sometimes you get bad ones. Today I had a little of each. Oh well, all over now. Saw darling Jen today, so she got to see me in action. (for the record, the party her son attended was one of the good ones!)

I have a really sore neck. Have decided against a career in headbanging. Unless it covers my chiropractic bills.

Not a good idea to be a gymnastics coach with a sore neck.

As I mentioned before, I am almost finished the lake part of my tapestry. Until I figured out I was short a bit of thread. And I mean maybe 50cm short. So I had to buy a whole heap of thread (comes in 8m lots) just to finish one friggin colour. Friggin.

Pole dancing is great. I have 2 new moves down. One is the flag, and I have a pic here. It's not very high (is supposed to be horizontal) but I think it's pretty impressive.

(note the new shoes!!)

I can also do the "cleopatra". But I'll have to get a video of that next time coz it's a little hard to explain.

That's all from me.
Love you

Thursday, May 31, 2007


In my opinion, finest day of the week. And do you know why? (ok ending very oblique Harry Potter quote here).

It's my day off. Although not usually. Although I don't work on Thursdays, it is usually taken up by me running all the errands I have for the week on the one day I have off. But not today. Today is all mine and I need do nothing more that sit here on my bed drinking tea and checking blogs. Though I will probably get to work on my tapestry. I am almost up to the opposite bank- so almost done with the lake. Am very keen to get started on a cross stitch and making a dent in my huge (relatively) pile of patterns!

Anyway, but popular request (ok, Amanda requested), here is my tatt design.

And here is the approximate design on my back. I want it done in solid black, but this was just to get an idea of how it would look. Please disregard the smiley face, my brother thinks he's funny!

So, I just need to psyche myself up to get it done. My back isn't very fleshy to begin with, so I think I'm in for a bit of discomfit!

Monday, May 28, 2007

Toooo much stash

I have way too much stash. (ie too may cross stitch projects waiting to be started!). Firstly I had bought just a little Eeyore bookmark to start on, just to get back in the swing of things (have only ever done a little bit of cross stitch). When I went down to visit my boy the other weekend, I bought 2 more patterns at Victoria House, and when he came up last weekend we went to the evil little shop in Cardiff (also known as Tapestry N Things) and he bought himself a cross stitch to work on. And not to be outdone, I also bought a new pattern (15 pages of new pattern!!!). Then there is the cross stitch magazine I've started buying that has numerous little projects to try. I might have to start doing 5 projects at the same time!!!

Anyway, yesterday was rather blah. Had some shockers at the school I was at. I actually sat down and refused to teach at one point (I refused to argue with year 6 students about which line I put them into). The afternoon classes were better behaved (they always are) but they were having a shocking night with their skills. One girl landed on her belly in the foam pit and twinged her back, one wasn't getting the hang of her somersaults... so not the best day. One the plus side, today can't be any worse! Love you all

Friday, May 25, 2007

Stitch & Bitch Update

Again with the update, but I just want to get it all finalised before emailing and printing flyers. Can I just get a shout from my crafty sisters who do Markets on Sundays. Would it be too much of a bother for Stitch and Bitch to be on Sundays at around 10:30 or would you girls prefer I pick another day/time? Thanks muchly

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Clicky here

Personality Test

Extraversion |||||||||||| 46%
Stability |||||||||||||||| 63%
Orderliness |||||||||||| 46%
Accommodation |||||||||||| 50%
Interdependence |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Intellectual |||||||||||| 43%
Mystical |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Artistic |||| 16%
Religious |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Hedonism |||||||||| 36%
Materialism |||||||||| 36%
Narcissism |||||||||||||| 56%
Adventurousness |||||||||||| 43%
Work ethic |||||||||| 36%
Self absorbed |||||||||| 36%
Conflict seeking |||||||||| 36%
Need to dominate |||||||||||||| 56%

Romantic |||||||||||||||| 63%
Avoidant |||||| 30%
Anti-authority |||||||||| 36%
Wealth |||||||||| 36%
Dependency |||||||||||| 50%
Change averse |||||||||| 36%
Cautiousness |||||||||||| 43%
Individuality |||||| 30%
Sexuality |||||||||||||||| 70%
Peter pan complex |||||||||||| 43%
Physical security |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Physical fitness |||||||||||||||| 70%
Histrionic |||| 16%
Paranoia || 10%
Vanity |||||| 30%
Hypersensitivity |||||||||||| 50%
Female cliche |||||||||||||||||| 76%

It's supposed to be in a table, but when I copied the HTML it wasn't working! So copy and paste it is!

Places/things that are EVIL!!!

(yet very cool/tasty/always-spend-too-much-money!)

  • Starbucks - always spend too much time/money here, but coffee is soooo good!
  • JB Hi Fi - too much to look at and I always end up buying DVDs coz they are so cheap!
  • Blogger - lol I think we all know we spend too much time on blogger, but I love reading about everyone's days and feelings and thoughts. It really is oddly addictive!
  • Victoria House of Needlecraft in Mittagong - don't get me started on this again, I don't think my honey will ever take me back there again!
  • Officeworks - yes I have a "stationery thing" as well!
  • Hojo's Cafe in Mittagong - great coffee and great food!
  • Mind Body Spirit festival - I always budget, and I'm always over! Too many pretty things to look at and too many books to buy!
  • Mister Donut Japan - you already know my thoughts on this!
  • Spotlight - need I say more?

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Best sewing shop EVER!!!!

Well I am down in the Southern Highlands for a total of 30 hrs (work really gets in the way of my social life!) While I was down here I had very yummy breakfast (Hojo's Cafe in Mittagong), removed a bed, installed a bed, and went to the best damn sewing shop in Australia! It's called Victoria House, and it pretty much is a house full of sewing stuff! There are yarns and wools and long stitch, and cross-stitch (guess who increased her stash of patterns??), and tapestry, and... you get the picture. I will be making a point of going here everytime I'm down here (please don't disown me honey- it won't be as bad as last time! Promise!!)

So I spent what must have seemed an inordinate amount of time perusing the store. I bought 2 very cool cross-stitch patterns that I will put pictures up of when I actually get around to doing them!

That's about it really- has been a very cruisie weekend. Love you all!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Wherever you will go - The Calling

I love this song!

So lately, been wondering
Who will be there to take my place
When I'm gone you'll need love to light the shadows on your face
If a greater wave shall fall and fall upon us all
Then between the sand and stone could you make it on your own.

If I could, then I would
I'll go wherever you will go
Way up high or down low, I'll go wherever you will go

And maybe, I'll find out
A way to make it back someday
To watch you, to guide you, through the darkest of your days
If a greater wave shall fall and fall upon us all
Well then I hope there's someone out there
who can bring me back to you

If I could, then I would
I'll go wherever you will go
Way up high or down low, I'll go wherever you will go

Runaway with my heart
Runaway with my hope
Runaway with my love

I know now, just quite how
My life and love might still go on
In your heart, in your mind I'll stay with you for all of time

If I could, then I would
I'll go wherever you will go
Way up high or down low, I'll go wherever you will go

If I could turn back time
I'll go wherever you will go
If I could make you mine
I'll go wherever you will go
I'll go wherever you will go

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Ponderings from the other night

Now just advanced warning this post will be very wandering and probably very obscure!

Had a chat the other night that really made me think. It has to do with all "The Secret" stuff. I haven't seen/read it but I know the general idea is the Law of Attraction (ie good thoughts attract good things/bad thoughts attract bad things). So this has made me think. There was a time when I was younger (teenage years- admittedly not that long ago, but still a trial anyway!) that I would get quite upset and emotional at times- probably mostly due to stress. I know some people have a lot more to stress about than school, but at the time it was the most stressed I had ever been. But now, I'm not sure if it's because I've matured or it's a subconscious thing, but I find I'm usually a very happy person. I mean it sometimes doesn't take much to get me pissed off, but it usually doesn't last long, and I forget about it straight away. (Typical fire sign I think!). But in general I find very little cause to complain about my life. I have a positive outlook and these days there's not much that will get me upset.

Not sure what the point of that was. Probably just having a mental conversation with myself on my blog. Now on a different but similar note (and making no sense whatsoever) I've decided to start taking a more conscious approach to things. Not sure how else to say it. Just little things like giving thanks before eating or drinking, charging my water with positive thoughts. Just little acknowledgments.

Thats all from me today!!
Love you all

Monday, May 14, 2007

Nothing to report

Have been rather busy lately, but it's "usual stuff" busy so nothing too interesting to talk about there. Have not had a chance lately to "get crafty" so am looking forward to doing that today.

Happy Mother's Day to all the mums out there. Thank yu for being the wonderful women you are.

We went up bush for mother's day, so it was good to get away from it all. Basically sat in front of the fire for the whole day and read m book. Mum did her knitting so we were both quite productive!

That's it for me, am very boring Mary now!

Love Tesah

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Stitch & Bitch Update

Hi everyone, I need a little help. I've just started doing up the flyer for the Stitch & bitch, and I'd like a little feedback. It's very basic at the moment (I'll prettify it later). All I really want to know is if there is any other info I should add (Contact details will be added at a later date).

Here it is:

Stitch & Bitch

Where: Rose Cottage
?? High St

When: Last Sunday of every month
??:00 to ??:00

What: A little time out to work on your craft. Knitters, crocheters, sewers, beaders, cross stitchers and more, all welcome!

Please bring either a gold coin donation or a contribution towards morning tea. Materials will not be provided, so please bring your own work.

Also, any ideas on how long it should go for? Coz I was thinking 1 hour isn't really long enough to get any work done! Any feedback would be appreciated!

Monday, May 07, 2007

About me today

  • Had coffee with friends
  • Had to relocate first
  • Tried cinnamon butter
  • Decided it was very delicious
  • Went back to school
  • Talked with favourite teacher
  • Forgot lots of Japanese
  • Was very embarrassed of said loss of Japanese
  • Went to Belmont looking for Japanese shop
  • Took ages to find said Japanese shop
  • Said Japanese shop was not what I expected
  • Bought 2 quilting books anyway
  • Have started to finalise ideas for Witches Stitches
  • Will most probably be called Rose Cottage Crafters
  • Made lots of progress on tapestry
  • Had to go to work
  • Is really hard to be a kids gymnastics instructor with a sore throat
  • Have not changed from work clothes yet
  • Am really looking forward to PJs
  • Long day working tomorrow
  • Will probably lose voice tomorrow
  • Helen, if you're reading this I am coming to your workshop! Not sure when I will see you to give you the money, but I am coming!!
  • Really want to get started on cross stitch
  • Really need to get a massage done
  • Will make appointment tomorrow
  • Am having lots of trouble typing "tomorrow"
  • Am going to get a cuppa

Love you all

Sunday, May 06, 2007

How much money can I spend in one day?

I don't think I want to know the answer to that, so that is why I have not checked my bank account since I went to the MBS festival!

I bought some really nice stuff, but my pride and joy is a piece of ritual jewellery. At the moment I only have my pentacle and I wear that everyday, so when I saw this, I decided to make it my dressy price for rituals. It's a design by Shankari and I am not telling anyone how much it cost!! But I think it was worth it, have a look:

I also bought some cute cat angel cards, but I'll put a piccy of those later.

Love you all

Thursday, May 03, 2007


Where did all my colours go?


Wont say too much on this subject, as most of the Mary's where there last night. I have to say I always love Samhain though. You know it's going to get a little (sometimes very) emotional, but it's like a release- you always feel so much better afterwards. And it was great to see so many new additions at the Cottage last night. The number of women in our humble little Cottage would have been almost record breaking for a normal "Around the Cauldron" night. For a sabbat, (which usually tend to be small, intimate affairs) it was positively phenomenal!

On another positive note, I get to see the boy today! Hooray!

Have not had much chance o do my crafty things lately, but am still very motivated, and almost cranky about the fact that work really cuts into my crafty and social time. But I also feel I shouldn't whinge too much considering the amount of whinging I did because I wasn't getting enough work!

With regards to the (Witch) Stitch n Bitch, it's sounding like we'd have a fair bit of involvement so the only thing I'm worrying about now is where to hold it. I was originally thinking at Starbucks (for yummy coffee!) but they may get a little grumpy with us taking up so much room, and also not really much room to spread out various crafty material (I need LOTS of room when I craft!) Was also thinking at my house, but that would probably involve a major re haul. (Not a pleasant thought, but still a possibility). So if anyone has any suggestions, I would love to hear them. I was also thinking maybe if people were comfortable, we could rotate who hosted it each month. So, still in the works at the moment.

Happy Samhain!