Well this makes a bit of a change. Usually I'm one of the slackers who doesn't blog and stuff. So everyone is either really busy having a life and doing fun things, or things are boring as usual.
I have a cheerleading meeting today. We have to hand in notes so we're all going to go over them together (which is perfectly legal!) just to make sure we've covered everything and that we have the right answers.
Managed to get my computer glitch sorted out. So I am in the process of uploading the video to Photobucket, and it will be available for you to laugh at in no time. I'm serious, the routine isn't even finished yet, and it wasn't a very good run through, but I just wanted to see how it looked. Oh well, comment and snorff to your heart's content.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Uh oh!
Am having a minor glitch with my pretty new Macbook. It won't let me upload the video I took to the computer. But I have emailed my Apple tech support (ie, best friend Nay), so hopefully we can sort this out. Probably just need to get an add-on or something. Hopefully. Am now getting rather paranoid about my camera not being compatible with my computer!! But I'm sure it's nothing. I'll get it sorted out. Anyway, that's all from me. Had double pole class so I'm pretty tired. Was going to show you all the video I took of our (half finished) routine, but my computer had other plans! Oh well, you'll see it eventually.
Love you all!
Love you all!
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
No posts for 3 days!
Mostly because I haven't done anything interesting! Just work, as usual. I got my advanced tramp girls trying back somersaults last night, and they're all doing really well. It would be better if the pit tramp was usable, but you have to work with what you've got I guess. Anyway, seeing as there is nothing to report, here is a little pictorial journey for you:
Firstly, my art masterpieces from Sunday:

And some more Dollz

Firstly, my art masterpieces from Sunday:
And some more Dollz

Saturday, March 24, 2007
This has been a pastime on and off for a while now, so I thought I might share some with you.
Here are 2 randoms:

My pole dancing Dollz:

And for Mary Goth, a whole heap of goth Dollz (if you want copies, email me!)

And I can do more! If you would like me to make a Dollz for you, just ask (and tell me what kind eg mermaid, fairy, princess, or I can just make one) just let me know. You can also get the html code to put it in your sidebar.
Here are 2 randoms:

My pole dancing Dollz:

And I can do more! If you would like me to make a Dollz for you, just ask (and tell me what kind eg mermaid, fairy, princess, or I can just make one) just let me know. You can also get the html code to put it in your sidebar.
About Today
- I have decided I like making lists for blog posts. (This revelation didn't come to me today, been with me for a while, just thought I'd share)
- What's with my download speeds? Seriously, 2kb/s??? Where's the 10 or 14kb/s??
- The gym gets very hot. The exact equation is:
T=t x 6/l
T= temperature inside the gym
t= temperature outside gym
l= amount of liquid consumed
- You can actually get sick of drinking water
- Your "crystal cave" can also be called your "Mary" (learnt this one at pole dancing the other night. And you girls think dancing is all I learn!- Along with how to walk in really high heels)
- Have ordered 2 pairs of pole shoes. 1 pair sandals, 1 pair boots, both black. See:
- It's time for a remedial massage
- It's raining outside, and I love it
- Going to Mary Ankle's art thingo tomorrow
- Need to pick up a plate (with food on it) to share
- Am thinking of all those who need healing and love sent their way
- Am halfway through 2 books.
- Worried about my caffeine dependency!
- Am officially in charge of next fluffy bunny ritual (and need to get my fluffy bunny thinking cap on)
- Wondering how many pairs of boots is too many (Mary Goth, you stay out of this one!!)
- Loving tutoring in Japanese
- Wore my new blue irt (well, there really isn't enough material to justify calling it a skirt!) out dancing last night. Positive I flashed half the club
- Did not end up needing to pin said irt to knickers
- Got kicked out of a club (well got asked to leave coz underaged kids not allowed in clubs after 9pm even with a legal guardian)
Friday, March 23, 2007
More fun with the Mac
Well it took a while, but I finally got around to doing some more silly photos. This time of the cat. I'd have loved to have done the dogs as well, but it's really a 2 person job and mum has gone to work.
The first few didn't work so good, but I'll put them in anyway coz they're funny. So here they are:

Hee hee, I think the last 2 are the best!
Anyway, enjoy!
Love Tesah
The first few didn't work so good, but I'll put them in anyway coz they're funny. So here they are:

Hee hee, I think the last 2 are the best!
Anyway, enjoy!
Love Tesah
Thursday, March 22, 2007
More photos
Mabon & Other Assorted Assorteds
Mabon ritual was last night, (most of you probly knew that!) I forgot to take my chalice with me when I left for work, but thought to myself that I could borrow one when I got there. Only I forgot to do that too, but didn't realise it until I needed it! (Isn't that always the way though?) But Jacqui was kind enough to share, so it was all good.
Got loads of compliments on my outfit (even though I think most of you had seen it before! Nevermind, i'm not the kind to turn down compliments!). If you're interested, here is the website for the company who sells them. (I got mine from their stall at the Mind Body Spirit festival). They are Chrysalis Clothing. And I have the Venus skirt in Sunrise, and the Angel sleeve butterfly tie top in Sunset. But they are pretty expensive ($112 for the Venus skirt). But they are just so pretty I had to have one! And one of the main reasons I'd gone to the MBS festival was to get one of these skirts.
Am trying a herbal detoxifying tea. Thought it might give me the benefit of a detox without the need to a detox diet, because if I did that I'd waste away I think! But the poor herbal tea needs to compete with all the sugar and caffeine in my system. oh well, at the very least it will make me feel good for trying!
I had a quick squiz on Ebay (ok, maybe more than a quick squiz), for those LED candles like I had last night. And there are some available. So just search "LED candle". Also, this one here has a set of 4 for sale.
Anyways, that's about it from me. I have pole dancing on tonight, so more photos may be on the way! Love you all!
Got loads of compliments on my outfit (even though I think most of you had seen it before! Nevermind, i'm not the kind to turn down compliments!). If you're interested, here is the website for the company who sells them. (I got mine from their stall at the Mind Body Spirit festival). They are Chrysalis Clothing. And I have the Venus skirt in Sunrise, and the Angel sleeve butterfly tie top in Sunset. But they are pretty expensive ($112 for the Venus skirt). But they are just so pretty I had to have one! And one of the main reasons I'd gone to the MBS festival was to get one of these skirts.
Am trying a herbal detoxifying tea. Thought it might give me the benefit of a detox without the need to a detox diet, because if I did that I'd waste away I think! But the poor herbal tea needs to compete with all the sugar and caffeine in my system. oh well, at the very least it will make me feel good for trying!
I had a quick squiz on Ebay (ok, maybe more than a quick squiz), for those LED candles like I had last night. And there are some available. So just search "LED candle". Also, this one here has a set of 4 for sale.
Anyways, that's about it from me. I have pole dancing on tonight, so more photos may be on the way! Love you all!
Monday, March 19, 2007
Random Facts about me
- I am reading the biography of Princess Masako (Japan's Imperial Princess)
- I have had the same pair of boardies for years, and they haven't worn out yet, and I have never found another pair as comfy.
- I take my tea white with 2 sugars
- I only started drinking coffee when I was in Japan
- I am crocheting myself a rug
- I have been very close to broke in the past 2 weeks and I don't like it!
- My favourite host family in Japan was the Kawai family.
- My favourite crystal is fluorite. (and this isn't exactly a secret!)
- I rarely pick on my appearance
- I love Palmer's Cocoa Butter Moisturiser
- I need to dust my shelves
- There are unicorns on my doona cover
- My digital camera is a Canon IXUS 40 (4 megpixel)
- I did a P & O cruise for my Schoolies holiday
- My UAI was 88.45
- My favourite teacher at school was Mrs Simson (Japanese)
- My middle name is Adele
- My parents almost called me Tonya
- My mentor group at school (homeroom) was HTM
- I wear (at the moment) Ralph Lauren's Cool perfume
- I own 1 Scott Cunningham book (and this statement may very well result in my Mary status being revoked!)
- I can draw - if all you want me to draw is a stick figure!
- I have my own sewing machine
- I have a penpal who lives in Israel (and 2 in Japan)
- I fainted in chapel in front of the whole school (and got carried outside by the headmaster)
- My favourite colour is purple
- I really need another bookshelf and have no room left in my room to put it
- Ditto for a double bed
- I have a Tinkerbell pencil case
- I called my stapler Elliot (after the detective in Law & Order: SVU- his name is Elliot Stadler, so I have "Elliot Stapler"!)
- It is also purple
- I have started looking for angel images, ready to make my own angel cards!
- I have 51 images already
- My car is called the Sprocket (short for Shann's pretty red rocket)
- I have laughed so hard I wet myself
- I have never been so drunk that I threw up
- When I was at uni, I lived in Unit 66
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Pearls of Wisdom

I got a card set for Christmas which are "words of wisdom" from the Dalai Lama, so I thought I'd create a regular post to share them with you.
Today's card says:
I feel the different religious traditions have a great responsibility to provide peace of mind and a sense of brotherhood and sisterhood among humanity.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Chou cream, Ghana chocolate, Tezuka Osamu, and milk tea in a can
A list of things included in today:
- Train trip to Sydney
- Attempted pole dancing on a train
- Trip to very crowded Starbucks
- Kicked out of another cafe (after attempting to drink said Starbucks on their premises- never been chucked out of anywhere before!)
- Trip to museum
- Reading comics at museum (well, technically we were there to see the comics!)
- Educated Jonathon and Aleks in the sometimes very disturbing Japanese psyche
- Lots of walking
- Quick trip into the Lindt Cafe
- Trip to Japanese bookshop
- Very gallant attempts on behalf of various responsible adults to get Aleks out of said bookshop
- Lunch at Sushi Roll with Guy Sebastian
- Trip to Asian grocery store and bakery.
- Purchase of: 2 loaves of Japanese style bread, 1 packet of senbei (rice crackers), 2 packets of Ghana chocolate, 1 packet of Pocky, 2 cans of milk tea, and 3 packets of Hi-Chuu
- Puchase and consumption of 6 chou cream buns (I shared! I didn't eat them all myself!)
- Walking in the rain
- Looong train ride home
- First use of new iPod (is very iPod-y!)
- Gave mum milk tea in a can
- Ate dinner
- Blogged
Friday, March 16, 2007
Much Musing
Well I have just finished a book I have been waiting ages for. I had a look on the author's website, and it said the release date was March 2007. I had no idea it had been out since the beginning of March! Was not impressed! Plus was rather alarmed to think that it had been that long since I had been in a bookshop! Anyway, now that I've finished, I'm having a bit of a problem. Well, 2 actually. Number 1 is that the book has really made think. Not that that's a problem, but you know how some books really get to you? And this one had a twist that I didn't really see coming, so that threw me a little. And problem number 2 is that now I have nothing else to read. I've recently gotten very picky about the books I read, so since I'm not really interested in most of the books that are out there at the moment, I've taken to re-reading a lot of my books. And there are a few more books I'm waiting on, but they won't be out for a while yet, which takes me back to the problem of having nothing to read except for books I'm almost getting sick of because I've read them too many times! Wow, this turned into quite a whinge didn't it!
Anyway, just for the fun of it, here are some of my favourite books.

(there are more by this author, but I'll leave it here for now!)

(that's also the tattoo I ant to get)
And I'll take pity on you all, and just put the first book of the series.
Anyway, I think I've had enough musing for tonight. Love you all!
Anyway, just for the fun of it, here are some of my favourite books.
(there are more by this author, but I'll leave it here for now!)
(that's also the tattoo I ant to get)
And I'll take pity on you all, and just put the first book of the series.
Anyway, I think I've had enough musing for tonight. Love you all!
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Introducing Mr Donuts
Seeing as I have made a huge deal of Mr Donuts today, I thought I would give you a little info!
If you would like to have a look at the ads, clicky here. It's not all of them, but I think they're the best ones! As the site is in Japanese, I'll give you a bit of a run-down on how to access them. Obviously the 2 bars on each ad relate to whether you want to open the ad in real player or windows media player. The link on the left of each colour is for broadband, the right for dial up.
So go and have a look. If you have any probs let me know.
Clicky here for a look at the menu!!
These ones are my faves.

Strawberry ring

And this one is called a strawberry custard french. Sounds funny, but soooo yummy!
If you would like to have a look at the ads, clicky here. It's not all of them, but I think they're the best ones! As the site is in Japanese, I'll give you a bit of a run-down on how to access them. Obviously the 2 bars on each ad relate to whether you want to open the ad in real player or windows media player. The link on the left of each colour is for broadband, the right for dial up.
So go and have a look. If you have any probs let me know.
Clicky here for a look at the menu!!
These ones are my faves.
Strawberry ring
And this one is called a strawberry custard french. Sounds funny, but soooo yummy!
Sunday, March 11, 2007
The Macbook has landed!
Much to tell, the best being guess who is typing this post on her very own Macbook!
Isn't it speccy! So I will now be able to load my photos directly from my own photo library without having to load them onto my computer, then onto my flashdrive, then onto the downstairs computer, then onto my blog. Wow, that sounds complicated, and it is great being able to put my photos straight up. i am still getting used to finding everything though. But it's worth it!
Here is my latest photo from pole class. I ended up with a very impressive bruise on my hip too, but not from this move.
I think this move is called the "hot Aphrodite". So very appropriate for a goddess such as myself!
The boy has been up for the past few days, and has helped me enormously what with picking out all the electronic gadgets necessary to get me working wirelessly. So I would like to take this opportunity to give him a well deserved shout out. Thank you so much honey, I really appreciate it.
So the rest of this post will probably just be me raving about my Macbook. There is a wonderful program that comes with it called Photobooth. You can use the built-in webcam to take photos, and you can also distort them. So for your viewing pleasure, here are a few of the best.
Here's me at my very best!

Our exchange student Carl
Jade's mate Mitch
And the boy.
Spent most of today getting myself set up and acquainted with the Mac. In case you can't tell, I'm absolutely loving it!
Ok, moving on from the Macbook now (yes, it's hard, but I can manage!), the boy and I tried a new style of dancing. We went out Friday night to Merewether Golf Club. They held a class at 8, then the rest of the night for free dancing. Was loads of fun!
That's about all for now, love you all!

Here is my latest photo from pole class. I ended up with a very impressive bruise on my hip too, but not from this move.

The boy has been up for the past few days, and has helped me enormously what with picking out all the electronic gadgets necessary to get me working wirelessly. So I would like to take this opportunity to give him a well deserved shout out. Thank you so much honey, I really appreciate it.
So the rest of this post will probably just be me raving about my Macbook. There is a wonderful program that comes with it called Photobooth. You can use the built-in webcam to take photos, and you can also distort them. So for your viewing pleasure, here are a few of the best.

Our exchange student Carl

Spent most of today getting myself set up and acquainted with the Mac. In case you can't tell, I'm absolutely loving it!
Ok, moving on from the Macbook now (yes, it's hard, but I can manage!), the boy and I tried a new style of dancing. We went out Friday night to Merewether Golf Club. They held a class at 8, then the rest of the night for free dancing. Was loads of fun!
That's about all for now, love you all!
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Monday, March 05, 2007
Power of the mind
Have been wondering about the power of the mind and of positive thought lately. Have decided to test it out in a very personal area of my life. Not sure how it's going to go. No, wait, scratch that, I AM SURE IT IS GOING TO WORK!!! That's much better.
Sunday, March 04, 2007
A little amusement for all
Hey, here's a little something for your amusement. I could pass off my bad singing by saying I was laughing too hard, (which was true), but the truth is I really can't sing. Anyway, enjoy!
Clicky here
Clicky here
Friday, March 02, 2007
More pole stuff
Had pole class again last night, and I managed to do a veeeery tricky move! It's called the teddy, and here it is!....

It's not the best angle, but I'm glad I even got the photo! (and yes, it hurts as much as you think it does!)
I'm also trying to upload a little something for your entertainment, but it's taking a while, so it will have to wait till next time. Love you all!
It's not the best angle, but I'm glad I even got the photo! (and yes, it hurts as much as you think it does!)
I'm also trying to upload a little something for your entertainment, but it's taking a while, so it will have to wait till next time. Love you all!
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