Thursday, May 31, 2007


In my opinion, finest day of the week. And do you know why? (ok ending very oblique Harry Potter quote here).

It's my day off. Although not usually. Although I don't work on Thursdays, it is usually taken up by me running all the errands I have for the week on the one day I have off. But not today. Today is all mine and I need do nothing more that sit here on my bed drinking tea and checking blogs. Though I will probably get to work on my tapestry. I am almost up to the opposite bank- so almost done with the lake. Am very keen to get started on a cross stitch and making a dent in my huge (relatively) pile of patterns!

Anyway, but popular request (ok, Amanda requested), here is my tatt design.

And here is the approximate design on my back. I want it done in solid black, but this was just to get an idea of how it would look. Please disregard the smiley face, my brother thinks he's funny!

So, I just need to psyche myself up to get it done. My back isn't very fleshy to begin with, so I think I'm in for a bit of discomfit!

Monday, May 28, 2007

Toooo much stash

I have way too much stash. (ie too may cross stitch projects waiting to be started!). Firstly I had bought just a little Eeyore bookmark to start on, just to get back in the swing of things (have only ever done a little bit of cross stitch). When I went down to visit my boy the other weekend, I bought 2 more patterns at Victoria House, and when he came up last weekend we went to the evil little shop in Cardiff (also known as Tapestry N Things) and he bought himself a cross stitch to work on. And not to be outdone, I also bought a new pattern (15 pages of new pattern!!!). Then there is the cross stitch magazine I've started buying that has numerous little projects to try. I might have to start doing 5 projects at the same time!!!

Anyway, yesterday was rather blah. Had some shockers at the school I was at. I actually sat down and refused to teach at one point (I refused to argue with year 6 students about which line I put them into). The afternoon classes were better behaved (they always are) but they were having a shocking night with their skills. One girl landed on her belly in the foam pit and twinged her back, one wasn't getting the hang of her somersaults... so not the best day. One the plus side, today can't be any worse! Love you all

Friday, May 25, 2007

Stitch & Bitch Update

Again with the update, but I just want to get it all finalised before emailing and printing flyers. Can I just get a shout from my crafty sisters who do Markets on Sundays. Would it be too much of a bother for Stitch and Bitch to be on Sundays at around 10:30 or would you girls prefer I pick another day/time? Thanks muchly

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Clicky here

Personality Test

Extraversion |||||||||||| 46%
Stability |||||||||||||||| 63%
Orderliness |||||||||||| 46%
Accommodation |||||||||||| 50%
Interdependence |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Intellectual |||||||||||| 43%
Mystical |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Artistic |||| 16%
Religious |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Hedonism |||||||||| 36%
Materialism |||||||||| 36%
Narcissism |||||||||||||| 56%
Adventurousness |||||||||||| 43%
Work ethic |||||||||| 36%
Self absorbed |||||||||| 36%
Conflict seeking |||||||||| 36%
Need to dominate |||||||||||||| 56%

Romantic |||||||||||||||| 63%
Avoidant |||||| 30%
Anti-authority |||||||||| 36%
Wealth |||||||||| 36%
Dependency |||||||||||| 50%
Change averse |||||||||| 36%
Cautiousness |||||||||||| 43%
Individuality |||||| 30%
Sexuality |||||||||||||||| 70%
Peter pan complex |||||||||||| 43%
Physical security |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Physical fitness |||||||||||||||| 70%
Histrionic |||| 16%
Paranoia || 10%
Vanity |||||| 30%
Hypersensitivity |||||||||||| 50%
Female cliche |||||||||||||||||| 76%

It's supposed to be in a table, but when I copied the HTML it wasn't working! So copy and paste it is!

Places/things that are EVIL!!!

(yet very cool/tasty/always-spend-too-much-money!)

  • Starbucks - always spend too much time/money here, but coffee is soooo good!
  • JB Hi Fi - too much to look at and I always end up buying DVDs coz they are so cheap!
  • Blogger - lol I think we all know we spend too much time on blogger, but I love reading about everyone's days and feelings and thoughts. It really is oddly addictive!
  • Victoria House of Needlecraft in Mittagong - don't get me started on this again, I don't think my honey will ever take me back there again!
  • Officeworks - yes I have a "stationery thing" as well!
  • Hojo's Cafe in Mittagong - great coffee and great food!
  • Mind Body Spirit festival - I always budget, and I'm always over! Too many pretty things to look at and too many books to buy!
  • Mister Donut Japan - you already know my thoughts on this!
  • Spotlight - need I say more?

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Best sewing shop EVER!!!!

Well I am down in the Southern Highlands for a total of 30 hrs (work really gets in the way of my social life!) While I was down here I had very yummy breakfast (Hojo's Cafe in Mittagong), removed a bed, installed a bed, and went to the best damn sewing shop in Australia! It's called Victoria House, and it pretty much is a house full of sewing stuff! There are yarns and wools and long stitch, and cross-stitch (guess who increased her stash of patterns??), and tapestry, and... you get the picture. I will be making a point of going here everytime I'm down here (please don't disown me honey- it won't be as bad as last time! Promise!!)

So I spent what must have seemed an inordinate amount of time perusing the store. I bought 2 very cool cross-stitch patterns that I will put pictures up of when I actually get around to doing them!

That's about it really- has been a very cruisie weekend. Love you all!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Wherever you will go - The Calling

I love this song!

So lately, been wondering
Who will be there to take my place
When I'm gone you'll need love to light the shadows on your face
If a greater wave shall fall and fall upon us all
Then between the sand and stone could you make it on your own.

If I could, then I would
I'll go wherever you will go
Way up high or down low, I'll go wherever you will go

And maybe, I'll find out
A way to make it back someday
To watch you, to guide you, through the darkest of your days
If a greater wave shall fall and fall upon us all
Well then I hope there's someone out there
who can bring me back to you

If I could, then I would
I'll go wherever you will go
Way up high or down low, I'll go wherever you will go

Runaway with my heart
Runaway with my hope
Runaway with my love

I know now, just quite how
My life and love might still go on
In your heart, in your mind I'll stay with you for all of time

If I could, then I would
I'll go wherever you will go
Way up high or down low, I'll go wherever you will go

If I could turn back time
I'll go wherever you will go
If I could make you mine
I'll go wherever you will go
I'll go wherever you will go

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Ponderings from the other night

Now just advanced warning this post will be very wandering and probably very obscure!

Had a chat the other night that really made me think. It has to do with all "The Secret" stuff. I haven't seen/read it but I know the general idea is the Law of Attraction (ie good thoughts attract good things/bad thoughts attract bad things). So this has made me think. There was a time when I was younger (teenage years- admittedly not that long ago, but still a trial anyway!) that I would get quite upset and emotional at times- probably mostly due to stress. I know some people have a lot more to stress about than school, but at the time it was the most stressed I had ever been. But now, I'm not sure if it's because I've matured or it's a subconscious thing, but I find I'm usually a very happy person. I mean it sometimes doesn't take much to get me pissed off, but it usually doesn't last long, and I forget about it straight away. (Typical fire sign I think!). But in general I find very little cause to complain about my life. I have a positive outlook and these days there's not much that will get me upset.

Not sure what the point of that was. Probably just having a mental conversation with myself on my blog. Now on a different but similar note (and making no sense whatsoever) I've decided to start taking a more conscious approach to things. Not sure how else to say it. Just little things like giving thanks before eating or drinking, charging my water with positive thoughts. Just little acknowledgments.

Thats all from me today!!
Love you all

Monday, May 14, 2007

Nothing to report

Have been rather busy lately, but it's "usual stuff" busy so nothing too interesting to talk about there. Have not had a chance lately to "get crafty" so am looking forward to doing that today.

Happy Mother's Day to all the mums out there. Thank yu for being the wonderful women you are.

We went up bush for mother's day, so it was good to get away from it all. Basically sat in front of the fire for the whole day and read m book. Mum did her knitting so we were both quite productive!

That's it for me, am very boring Mary now!

Love Tesah

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Stitch & Bitch Update

Hi everyone, I need a little help. I've just started doing up the flyer for the Stitch & bitch, and I'd like a little feedback. It's very basic at the moment (I'll prettify it later). All I really want to know is if there is any other info I should add (Contact details will be added at a later date).

Here it is:

Stitch & Bitch

Where: Rose Cottage
?? High St

When: Last Sunday of every month
??:00 to ??:00

What: A little time out to work on your craft. Knitters, crocheters, sewers, beaders, cross stitchers and more, all welcome!

Please bring either a gold coin donation or a contribution towards morning tea. Materials will not be provided, so please bring your own work.

Also, any ideas on how long it should go for? Coz I was thinking 1 hour isn't really long enough to get any work done! Any feedback would be appreciated!

Monday, May 07, 2007

About me today

  • Had coffee with friends
  • Had to relocate first
  • Tried cinnamon butter
  • Decided it was very delicious
  • Went back to school
  • Talked with favourite teacher
  • Forgot lots of Japanese
  • Was very embarrassed of said loss of Japanese
  • Went to Belmont looking for Japanese shop
  • Took ages to find said Japanese shop
  • Said Japanese shop was not what I expected
  • Bought 2 quilting books anyway
  • Have started to finalise ideas for Witches Stitches
  • Will most probably be called Rose Cottage Crafters
  • Made lots of progress on tapestry
  • Had to go to work
  • Is really hard to be a kids gymnastics instructor with a sore throat
  • Have not changed from work clothes yet
  • Am really looking forward to PJs
  • Long day working tomorrow
  • Will probably lose voice tomorrow
  • Helen, if you're reading this I am coming to your workshop! Not sure when I will see you to give you the money, but I am coming!!
  • Really want to get started on cross stitch
  • Really need to get a massage done
  • Will make appointment tomorrow
  • Am having lots of trouble typing "tomorrow"
  • Am going to get a cuppa

Love you all

Sunday, May 06, 2007

How much money can I spend in one day?

I don't think I want to know the answer to that, so that is why I have not checked my bank account since I went to the MBS festival!

I bought some really nice stuff, but my pride and joy is a piece of ritual jewellery. At the moment I only have my pentacle and I wear that everyday, so when I saw this, I decided to make it my dressy price for rituals. It's a design by Shankari and I am not telling anyone how much it cost!! But I think it was worth it, have a look:

I also bought some cute cat angel cards, but I'll put a piccy of those later.

Love you all

Thursday, May 03, 2007


Where did all my colours go?


Wont say too much on this subject, as most of the Mary's where there last night. I have to say I always love Samhain though. You know it's going to get a little (sometimes very) emotional, but it's like a release- you always feel so much better afterwards. And it was great to see so many new additions at the Cottage last night. The number of women in our humble little Cottage would have been almost record breaking for a normal "Around the Cauldron" night. For a sabbat, (which usually tend to be small, intimate affairs) it was positively phenomenal!

On another positive note, I get to see the boy today! Hooray!

Have not had much chance o do my crafty things lately, but am still very motivated, and almost cranky about the fact that work really cuts into my crafty and social time. But I also feel I shouldn't whinge too much considering the amount of whinging I did because I wasn't getting enough work!

With regards to the (Witch) Stitch n Bitch, it's sounding like we'd have a fair bit of involvement so the only thing I'm worrying about now is where to hold it. I was originally thinking at Starbucks (for yummy coffee!) but they may get a little grumpy with us taking up so much room, and also not really much room to spread out various crafty material (I need LOTS of room when I craft!) Was also thinking at my house, but that would probably involve a major re haul. (Not a pleasant thought, but still a possibility). So if anyone has any suggestions, I would love to hear them. I was also thinking maybe if people were comfortable, we could rotate who hosted it each month. So, still in the works at the moment.

Happy Samhain!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007


For those going to the Mind Body Spirit Festival on Saturday, check out today's Daily Telegraph. On page 13 there is a coupon for half price adult entry!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Busy Bee

Was a busy bee today. Had classes at a school. Saw 2 girls at the school I knew, and they were both in my classes! Lucky for me I was starting at 11 instead of 8:30 or it would have been a very long day. I also had to do 2 classes at the gym after school. So I am officially buggered. Love you.