Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Not around lately

Hi everyone, I know I haven't been around much lately, in either the physical or on the net. No excuse, life has just been hectic- lots of random stuff going on. But rest assured I will be seeing everyone at Summer Solstice.

Also just letting everyone know that Stitch & Bitch will NOT be on in December. But as it is my birthday that weekend (on the 9th), I was thinking we might use the time to instead go for coffee at Euro Bar. And this shall also be in an email.

Other than that, life goes on as usual. Still trying to get my tatt organised, but I am determined to get it done before Xmas. Unfortunately, the day I was planning on getting it done, is rather close to when I am due for my period, so I'm hoping I won't be in too much discomfort.

Got an early Xmas present from one of the kids in my class last night. I thought it might be something like a little box of chocolates. But when I opened it, I had a mobile-phone-hangey-thing (technical term!!) with an "S" and a heart on it! I thought that was really sweet.

Love you all, and I'll see you soon (promise!!)

Sunday, November 18, 2007

The boy

The boy has a tatt- go see!

Am almost sorted with mine. Wanted to get it done before my bday, but don't think that will be happening. Should be before Xmas tho. So will let you know!

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Wow, was floored yesterday. Not sure why, but these last 3 days have really taken it out of me. Nothing out of the ordinary really (did 3 straight days of classes), but not sure why it really hit me like this. Maybe it was the heat. Probably. Brain is really fried right now, so am apologising in advance for rambling/not-making-sense post.

Am a little bit cold
Am watching Law & Order
Am tired
Am doing a performance for my pole xmas party
Am going to bed soon
Am going to blog more (yes I am!!)
(when there is something to blog about!)
Am needing to finish xmas shopping
Am needing to get tattoo done soon
Am needing to stop blogging before I fall asleep on the computer

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Shann has sore throat from too much work. Think it's a good enough excuse to take a sickie? And I'm doing it all again tomorrow (and the next day too!)

For all those interested, Girls Night In was CANCELLED last weekend. It will be RESCHEDULED, probably for around the 2nd of December, so if you are still interested, please get money ($30) to me ASAP!

Shann has sore throat. That is all!

Love you

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Am still here!

Blogs have been few and far between lately, bht life progresses as normally as life can for me! Am trying to:
  • Get cross stitch done (doing rather well bwt)
  • Re-organise Girls Night In (I futzd up last time!)
  • Organise getting my tattoo without interfering with work or pole class
  • Or Girls Night In or Xmas parties
  • Get Xmas shopping done
  • Find time to spend with the boy
  • Get my tatt done before my birthday but am running out of time
  • And opportunity
On the plus side of things, one of the girls from Japan who was in Australia before I went on exchange is back in the country and we have had a chance to catch up. Has been very interesting trying to remember all my Japanese, but she undertsnads me so it can't be too bad.

And that is my life in a nutshell.

Love you all

PS We missed you on Saturday Fairy Mary!!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Strange mood

Am in a strange mood tonight. Not sure what triggered it, but have found that sometimes I am not a nice person. Or maybe this is a completely natural way to feel and I'm being too hard on myself.

I usually tend to be quite a generous person (or I think so anyway), but there are times that I get really jealous.And it's completely irrational. It's not usually items I get jealous with, but places and people.

At times I can be very wary of letting new people into my life, and I can get very possessive if they are coming into what I consider to be "my territory", even if it is not exactly my territory to claim.

This is very strange, as I usually consider myself to be fairly open and friendly.

Not sure why I get like this, but I guess we can all get a little childish at times.