Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Still alive

Have been very absent from Blog-land lately. Many Marys may deduce that this means I have a life. Sadly, it means just the opposite- I've had nothing to write about! So this is me just filling up space so that I don't get disowned as a Mary.

We have a new doggie, his name is Diesel. he's at the vet at the moment because our old and crotchety dog didn't want to play (and Diesel can get a bit rambunctious), so he got nipped. He is very cute, and I'll try to find a piccie of him to put up.

Got a very long and very funny email from my sister is Brazil. I'd love to put it on here, but have decided not to for 2 reasons. 1- she'd kill me and 2- the language isn't exactly G rated. But it gave me and my mum a bit of a laugh.

That's it for now. The boy will be coming up tomorrow, we have Lughnasa on Friday and a surprise 60th on Saturday night. So very busy weekend coming up!

Love you all!


Kathie said...

Looking foward to meeting Diesel : )

Bee said...

diesel,hmm i like it

wykd wytch said...

Had a great night last night. Thank you to you and the professor.