The crazy, the abnormal, the boring, and of course, the pole dancing.
Monday, April 30, 2007
It's craft time!
Well I have been well and truly bitten by the craft bug. I was almost finished on my crocheted rug, but I was getting a bit of rug-overload (I've done pretty much 3 rugs in a row) so I've decided o go back to my tapestry for a little bit. It's coming along nicely. Here are a few pics of my WIPs (Work In Progress)
This is my tapestry, and very typically Tesah I must say. I've actually done quite a bit of this, and I'm sorry you can't see the full thing but it's wrapped around the frame.
You can kinda see from this pic how far along I've got. (I'm only down to the water). I haven't done the main woman yet as she's going to be done in a different thread. I'll of course post pretty piccies once she's done.
This is the rug I'm working on Ok enough piccies for the moment. I've been thinking of organising my own "Stitch and Bitch". A sort of meeting, maybe once a month where the various crafters can get together and work on their projects, have a cuppa, and a chat. I know there are a few RC regulars who like to craft (Marys Bee and Fairy, I'm looking at you girls!) and we all probly know a few people who do crafty things. So if you're interested let me know. This is really in the baby stages though (ie I only thought of it today!) so I'm just sussing things out at the moment. So if you're interested or you know someone who might be, drop me a line!
Yes!!! A stitch'n'bitch, I was talking about having one today at Lisa's Lunch ... great minds think alike!
Making good progress with your tapestry ... She has a fairy look up against the light too!
I love the colour of your rug!
I love it.....Witch stitch and bitch!
You are a very clever Tesah ;0)
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