Saturday, May 19, 2007

Best sewing shop EVER!!!!

Well I am down in the Southern Highlands for a total of 30 hrs (work really gets in the way of my social life!) While I was down here I had very yummy breakfast (Hojo's Cafe in Mittagong), removed a bed, installed a bed, and went to the best damn sewing shop in Australia! It's called Victoria House, and it pretty much is a house full of sewing stuff! There are yarns and wools and long stitch, and cross-stitch (guess who increased her stash of patterns??), and tapestry, and... you get the picture. I will be making a point of going here everytime I'm down here (please don't disown me honey- it won't be as bad as last time! Promise!!)

So I spent what must have seemed an inordinate amount of time perusing the store. I bought 2 very cool cross-stitch patterns that I will put pictures up of when I actually get around to doing them!

That's about it really- has been a very cruisie weekend. Love you all!


Anonymous said...

Can you get some pics of the area next time you are there.

Kathie said...

Victoria's Secret ... House of Sewing!!!

Anonymous said...

Draqon workshop will be on the 2nd if i get 6 people if not it will be on the 14th July

Bee said...


~*Rylah*~ said...

You sound like me in OfficeWorks! :)