Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Stitch & Bitch Update

Hi everyone, I need a little help. I've just started doing up the flyer for the Stitch & bitch, and I'd like a little feedback. It's very basic at the moment (I'll prettify it later). All I really want to know is if there is any other info I should add (Contact details will be added at a later date).

Here it is:

Stitch & Bitch

Where: Rose Cottage
?? High St

When: Last Sunday of every month
??:00 to ??:00

What: A little time out to work on your craft. Knitters, crocheters, sewers, beaders, cross stitchers and more, all welcome!

Please bring either a gold coin donation or a contribution towards morning tea. Materials will not be provided, so please bring your own work.

Also, any ideas on how long it should go for? Coz I was thinking 1 hour isn't really long enough to get any work done! Any feedback would be appreciated!


Bee said...

at least 2 hours ,but everything else seems fine,,,,

~*Rylah*~ said...

Yeah, 2 hours sounds good, even longer... maybe...

Anonymous said...

Two hours..but be flexible. I would think afternoon 2 to 4 or 3 to 5.
Put something on there to attract non rose cottage regulars as well like....are you looking for a place to meet with other crafty people for a chat and coffee while working on your handiwork? blah...blah!!Renata

Kathie said...

Yes - 2 hours at Least!

Mandabearbaby said...

I agree with the 2 hours :) sounds good to me...