Thursday, May 31, 2007


In my opinion, finest day of the week. And do you know why? (ok ending very oblique Harry Potter quote here).

It's my day off. Although not usually. Although I don't work on Thursdays, it is usually taken up by me running all the errands I have for the week on the one day I have off. But not today. Today is all mine and I need do nothing more that sit here on my bed drinking tea and checking blogs. Though I will probably get to work on my tapestry. I am almost up to the opposite bank- so almost done with the lake. Am very keen to get started on a cross stitch and making a dent in my huge (relatively) pile of patterns!

Anyway, but popular request (ok, Amanda requested), here is my tatt design.

And here is the approximate design on my back. I want it done in solid black, but this was just to get an idea of how it would look. Please disregard the smiley face, my brother thinks he's funny!

So, I just need to psyche myself up to get it done. My back isn't very fleshy to begin with, so I think I'm in for a bit of discomfit!


Mandabearbaby said...

Wow...awesome :) will be good...

Anonymous said...

It will look great.
It will be painful.
But hey, you only live once ( that you can remember)Renata.

Jen said...

love the tatt!! i am trying to find a design i want, just cant make up my mind... big decision that.

And you mentioned in your last post about a girl that hurt her back in the foam pit, my nephew broke his arm in that pit a couple of weeks ago and my son is going to a party there on saturday evening, do you think i should tell him to stay out of it?? sounds a bit dangerous... (overprotective mother mode here)

Tesah said...

Lol, I'll be doing parties on saturday, so I might see you there! Not sure how you could break an arm in the foam pit, but the reason the girl hurt her back was because she landed wrong. If done properly, there's nothing wrong with it (and it's the best part of the party!!)

Severina said...

Just do it, you'll wonder why you ever waited. It really is no big deal and is addictive BECAUSE of the pain !

Unknown said...

love it Shann !