Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Time management

Time management is an issue.
  • YAAD work. Is getting done, but I need to do more seeing as I will be missing a few classes.
  • Cross stitch. Am on a deadline and confetti stitching slows me down.
  • Going on holidays. Lots of stuff to organise, but thankfully most of it is done.
Grr mostly it is the cross stitch I am worried about. I have a fair bit done but I am still worried I won't get it done in time. I think I need to sit down and figure out the number of stitches I need to do per day.


Cyndy said...

Instead of spending time on math, I would just do the stitching, Shann.

And who needs to waste time sleeping?

Kathie said...

You are doing YAAD, which means you are learning how to visualize desired outcomes ... so you can practice extending time as you stitch and affirm that you have more than enough time to complete your goal.

When I sit down to stitch and bead, I often see time slowing down so that I can get a lot more work done ... and it works!!