This weekend was quite eventful. Saturday was the Relay For Life. It was hosted at the Hunter Sports Centre and it was loads of fun. It was to raise money for the Cancer Council and what happens is you get people to sponsor you and then you walk laps around the running track. Our team was the Wacky Witches so I went dressed in my good witchy dress, the huge pentacle from our fluffy bunny night, my stripey socks and boots. I also had a borrowed cape and Sorting Hat (thanks Aleks!). Although I have just been through the photos from the weekend and have realised that I haven’t got a photo of me dressed up on there, and I’m not quite sure how I managed that!
Mum and I managed 13 laps each. I tried to make my laps a bit more interesting. I did part of one lap in bear walks (on hands and feet, with straight legs). Unfortunately that one was captured on the video camera and not my digital camera so I’m not quite sure how to get it onto the computer so that I can put it on the blog. And one of the other girls and I did a whole lap of dance steps.
At 7:30 all the lights went out and we had the Candlelight Ceremony, where people had bought candles and put them in paper bags all around the edge of the track, in memory of loved ones who had lost the battle with cancer. It really reminded me of the Japanese festival of Obon, which is similar to Halloween, in that it is the night that the Spirits return to this realm. For the whole week, the Spirits roam the earth, and at the end of the week, lanterns are floated down the river to guide them back to the spirit realm.
They also had a “Miss Relay” competition where the teams nominated one of the guys to dress up in drag. My brother was the sacrificial lamb for our team, and Friday night he sat in the armchair in the lounge room while myself and the exchange student waxed his legs. And considering she is from Brazil, she is rather inept when it comes to waxing! Anyways, Jade squeezed himself into one of my dresses, got himself some high heels and some boobs, and set off to collect some donations. The “woman” who collected the most donations was the winner. Jade won that one because Mum put in $150 herself, but considering he sat and got waxed for it without (too much) complaint, I think he deserved it!

you are such a busy girl shann- when do you eat , sleep etc.....i just cant keep up, even your posts are fast.........
My goodness, whos a pretty boy then....needs more cleavage!
I think all men secretly yearn to wear a frock!! He certainly looks very pleased with himself. lol
Very schmick frock there!
He wears a dress well..I have pictures of Beloved in an evening dress..foolish man gave them to are wonderful. How much was raised? ;)
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