I tell you, working can really interfere in your social life, and it gives me less time to blog, something that was rather pointedly pointed out to me the other night. (But really, how else would you point something out, other than pointedly?)
Quite happy at the moment because I have not one, but two pole classes to go to tonight! yay! But I am going to be so sore tomorrow. Really need to see Carolyn and get my back fixed up. It is a sad state of affairs when you get up in the morning and you fell like a crone, but you are only 22.
I have been up to quite a lot lately, and it's the kind of "a lot" that doesn't include doing very much and isn't very interesting, but it takes up lots of time anyway. Well, I have been trying to get my "Girl's Night In" sorted out, and I am happy to say that it's coming along quite well. I have been working, of course, and I have also been trying to make 1000 paper cranes for my raffle. I've only done about 80 so far, but I think it's a good start. I do have something else in mind to donate to the raffle if I don't get them done in time.
Went to Rose Cottage and made a mess last night, and out of the mess appeared 13 besoms and 12 very straw covered witches. It was the shortest craft night we'd ever had (it not only finished on time, it actually finished early!), but I think we made up for it because it was also the messiest craft night we'd ever had.My besom is still on the back seat of my car where I put it last night so the glue didn't get everywhere. Besides, I think if I had brought it inside, the dog (or the cat) would have got hold of it. I swear, half the craft things I bring home end up being doggy chew toys. Then there was the memorable time when my cat chewed up my wax/crystal amulet. I was not happy with that, but at least the kitty had pretty white teeth. The dog also got hold of the St Brigit's Cross I made at Imbolc. Luckily I was able to save most of the raffia and all I haven to do is put it all back together.
Mine is also in the back seat....it was too anally perfect to bring into the house.
Good on you romy! Wish I was there, sounds like fun..!
the anal broom-renata strikes again
Renatas broom was indicative of her state of mind this week regarding anything anal! Next time she will be much more messy and spontaneous wont you.....
Where are the up pole upside down pics?????
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