It's a handbag!!! Made all out of a huge zip!!
How cool is that??
Anyway, had loads of fun at the show. Bought an angel like Jonathon's, but a little bigger.Have to admit I was rather disappointed in the rides- not really very many there!
Here we are sitting on the floor of the train on the way home.
Pretty sunset taken out the window of the train:
The boy graduated on Tuesday. Am very proud of him. Had a wonderful day. Will let him tell you all about it though. Had a wonderful lunch at a Japanese restaurant. Only got slightly lost on the way home- didn't mean to get on the M2!
Anyway, some speccy graduation photos:

Very cool zip bag! Love the sunset!
Very cool looking couple too!
wow- dont you two look gorgeous- its been a big week by the sounds of things
That's a bag? Well, you don't see that everyday..... That sunset is amazing.... ;0)
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